Soha Al-Jurf
The Voice of the Archetypal Feminine Blog
Written explorations of voice, psychology, spirituality, and the feminine

The Voice On Fire
Each person has to choose where and when and how and if their voices will be heard. Each person must choose the medium through which they feel most comfortable, authentic, or effective when expressing themselves, whether on behalf of themselves, or as representatives or allies of entire people or nations.
Yes, we each do have a voice, and, in some sense, it’s always speaking and it’s always singing, whether or not we choose to say anything; whether or not people are listening; whether or not we are ever heard; whether or not anyone chooses to do anything with all that is spoken or sung.
Things can change in a day. For the sake of the righteous and the innocent, for the sake of beauty and of art, I hold the same hope that Aaron Bushnell died for—the hope that, united, the voices of morality and integrity, of decency and sanity will prevail in demanding respect for all human life. May he, and the 30,000 people in Gaza whose voices have been silenced in this hideous onslaught, rest in peace and power.